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6 Things You Should Know Before Getting CEREC Crowns

Dental crowns are a popular and effective solution for restoring damaged or weakened teeth. Traditionally, getting a dental crown required multiple visits to the dentist, temporary crowns, and waiting for the final crown to be fabricated in a dental lab. However, with advancements in dental technology, CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) crowns offer a more convenient and time-efficient alternative. Here are several important considerations to keep in mind before deciding on CEREC crowns.

Overview of CEREC Technology:

  • CEREC is an advanced dental technology that enables the creation of custom ceramic crowns in a single dental appointment.
  • The process involves taking digital impressions of the tooth using an intraoral camera, followed by the creation of a 3D scan to produce an accurate and custom-fit crown.
  • The crown is then milled from a solid block of ceramic material using the CEREC milling machine, and the finished restoration is bonded to the tooth during the same visit.

The Convenience of a Single-Visit Procedure:

  • CEREC crowns can be completed in a single dental visit, eliminating the need for multiple appointments and temporary crowns.
  • This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those who prefer to minimize time in the dental chair.

Precision and Customization:

  • CEREC technology allows for the creation of precise and personalized dental crowns, ensuring a tight and comfortable fit.
  • The CAD/CAM software enables dentists to customize the crown’s shape, size, and color to seamlessly match the natural teeth.

Quality of Materials:

  • CEREC crowns are typically made from high-quality ceramic materials like porcelain or zirconia, known for their durability, biocompatibility, and natural appearance.
  • Discussing material options with your dentist is crucial to ensure the chosen material meets your specific needs and preferences.

Cost Considerations:

  • The cost of CEREC crowns may be higher due to the significant investment in CEREC technology by dental practices.
  • Discuss the cost with your dentist, including any insurance coverage or financing options.

Dentist Expertise and Training:

  • The success of CEREC crown restorations heavily depends on the dentist’s expertise with the technology.
  • Inquire about your dentist’s experience with CEREC, request to see before-and-after photos of previous cases, and consider getting a second opinion if necessary.


CEREC crowns represent an innovative approach to dental restoration, combining efficiency, precision, and aesthetic appeal. Understanding the process, appreciating the convenience of single-visit procedures, and considering factors like material quality, cost, and the dentist’s expertise are essential. 

By being informed about the process and openly communicating with your dentist, you can make a knowledgeable decision about your dental health goals and preferences.